In other words, Lady Macbeth is calling upon the night and for the darkness from hell to cover everything so that it can hide the murder of Duncan from everything, all in a monologue. The use of the words “thick night” and “dunnest smoke of hell” are hyperboles to emphasises how...
Speirs, Kenneth
Denzel Washington, “The Tragedy of Macbeth”‘ Will Smith in ‘King Richard’. Opinion: It is Will Smith’s year. No one else is strong enough to take that best actor win from him. I’m hoping for more great projects for Benedict Cumberbatch and Andrew Garfield so that they both can ...
How are Beowulf and Macbeth tragic heroes? What are a couple of important quotes from ''Frankenstein'' and why are they important? In 'Animal Farm' what does 'Windmill or no windmill, life would go on as it always had' symbolize?