[Graduate Texts in Physics] Solid State Properties || Absorption of Light in Solidsdoi:10.1007/978-3-662-55922-2_18Dresselhaus, MildredDresselhaus, GeneCronin, StephenGomes Souza Filho, Antonio
We believe the optical phase amplifier presented in this work could be used in numerous precision measurement scenarios, such as the measurements of the optical properties (for example, dispersion and absorption coefficients) of transparent materials13,14, other physical quantities such as displacements,...
Optical cycles are much too fast to allow direct temporal light shaping, while direct modulation of the wavelength bandwidth lacks sophistication (mostly based on thin-film interference and absorption). For this reason, temporal light shaping reduces to spatial light shaping of the frequency components...
Some anomalous dispersion has been observed within coloured glass (Nassau, 1983). The refractive index increases with wavelength for a range of wavelengths around the wavelength of absorption. In a well-faceted gemstone, internal reflection along with dispersion causes brilliance with coloured flashes, ...
Upon photon absorption, the equilibrium between the two conformations should shift toward conformation 2. Correspondingly, at some point of the back-reaction, conformation 2 should start passing into conformation 1 and, thus, the equilibrium should be restored. From this point of view conformation 1...
“With Hubble, the single gas we’re most sensitive to is water vapor,” he said. “If we observe water vapor in a planet’s atmosphere, that’s a good indication that there are no clouds high enough to block its absorption. Conversely, if water vapor is not observed and only ...
on the assumption that the atoms can only have discrete energy values, and that the discontinuous transitions between them are connected with the emission or absorption of energy quantum. This threw some light on the fact that in their gaseous state elements and their compounds radiate and absorb...
(MoO3), tungsten trioxide (WO3), and vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), and metal sulfides like tungsten sisulfides (WS2), have been increasingly employed as HILs due to their high technological compatibility, appropriate electronic characterization, and low light absorption in the visible spectrum [23,24...
In fact, the extraction efficiency can be even lower, considering the factors such as sample surface roughness and material absorption. Therefore, there is a great need to enhance the photon collection efficiency. Experimentally, researchers usually use the method of optical microcavities or waveguide ...
Light undergoes phenomena like reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Sound experiences similar phenomena but in a distinct manner, such as echoing or absorption by materials. 13 ADVERTISEMENTComparison Chart Type Electromagnetic radiation Mechanical wave 7 Speed 299,792 km/s in a vacuum 343 m/s ...