The inguinal ligament is a strong, fibrous band of connective tissue that runs from the base of your pubic region to the upper crest of your pelvis. It connects the connective tissues in your upper thigh to your torso and hip. Because this ligament is connected to other muscle groups and f...
References in periodicals archive ? Additionally, the MRI revealed a disruption of the anterior sacroiliac ligaments on the left side and no affection of the posterior sacroiliac ligaments, the sacrotuberal and sacrospinal ligaments (Figures 1(c) and 1(d)). The injury pattern of our patient is...
[...]adjacent vertebrae in the spine, forming a cartilaginous joint to allow slight movement of the vertebrae while also actingasligamentsthathold the vertebrae together. 椎间盘位于脊柱中相邻的两个椎骨之间,以软骨性关节构成,以便承受椎骨的轻微活动,同时也作为...
or 3-D computed tomography (3-D-CT), which is produced using an imaging 3-D method (3-D-MRT) ), which is a negative impression of the bony surface relief in the neck region of the torn ligament on the respective bone, in particular of the cruciate ligament on the thigh or lower ...
Dr. Roger Smith in the UK has probably done the most stem cell workwithtendons. 英国罗杰·史密斯博士(Roger Smith)或者完成了干细胞肌腱治疗的大部份工作。 [...] ...
The femur of the knee model was attached to the thigh segment of the walking model, so that it underwent the same accelerations/decelerations. A geometric solid representing the foot was attached to the distal tibia. Figure 3. The walking model. It was constituted by the trunk (not ...
The femur of the knee model was attached to the thigh segment of the walking model, so that it underwent the same accelerations/decelerations. A geometric solid representing the foot was attached to the distal tibia. Figure 3. The walking model. It was constituted by the trunk (not ...