The injury mechanism, a combination of inversion and adduction in foot plantar flexion, can cause damage to the lateral ankle ligaments [4]. Lateral ankle ligaments comprise anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) [5]. ...
Concept 7: Damage to Each Ligament and Capsular Structure Is Diagnosed Using Tests in Which the Primary and Secondary Ligament Restraints Have Been Experimentally Determined, 49 View chapterExplore book Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Lower Limb Elena Milkova Ilieva, in Braddom's Rehabilitation Care:...
may require operative treatment based on clinical features. All combined ligamentous injuries usually respond best to surgical management. In recent years, several studies have demonstrated that knees with an isolated injury to the posterior cruciate ligament, without concomitant articular damage, may be...
A radial head or neck fracture occurs during a fall on an outstretched hand or trauma/falls with the elbow in extension and forearm in pronation. Because the annular ligament wraps around the head of the radius, a fracture in this area can lead to damage to the ligament, and could potentia...
often be repaired surgically, with little or no after effects, there are many cases where the damage or diseased tissue is too extensive for repair and resort must be had to some form of artificial ligament. Attempts have been made to replace the damaged ligament with other body tissue such ...
Spinal cord injury after blunt cervical spine trauma: correlation of soft-tissue damage and extension of lesion. Am J Neuroradiol. 2014;35:1029–34. Article CAS Google Scholar Aarabi B, Koltz M, Ibrahimi D. Hyperextension cervical spine injuries and traumatic central cord syndrome. Neurosurg ...
Perioperative complications including vascular damage and nerve or tendon laceration. Perioperative complications will be recorded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification for hand surgery Postoperative complications including surgical site infection, repeat operation, pressure ulcers, neuropraxia or injury to...
united states knee ct arthrography is reliable and provides a better reflection of cartilage damage especially in femoral trochlea, compared with conventional mr imaging abstract presentation 5 minutes kyung jun min, md, korea, republic of byoung-hyun min, md, phd, korea, republic of keun soo ki...
The shape of the SN varies in individuals and often it is encountered more laterally than initially thought. 5. At the SN, care should be taken not to damage the suprascapular artery or the muscular branch of the SNS, which may travel superficial to the STSL before entering the supraspi...
Finally, when the patients were evaluated in balance scores, sixth-month post-operative findings were similar between ACLR and healthy knee. Due to the damage to the proprioceptive receptors after ACL tears, the stimuli from the mechanoreceptors to the nervous system disappear, which may lead to ...