Improvement in docks intended to lift the boats for inspection and repairSAUVAGE JEAN-BAPTISTE LE
Big boat?No problem! Hi-TideYacht Liftscan hold boats from 30,000 lbs to 180,000 lbs! Need a special size or configuration? Call us and let us customize a lift for you! Gear Drive Lift The originalHi-Tidedesign, theGear Drive Liftboasts an all-aluminum structure, thelongest-lastingmetal...
Big boat?No problem! Hi-TideYacht Liftscan hold boats from 30,000 lbs to 180,000 lbs! Need a special size or configuration? Call us and let us customize a lift for you! Gear Drive Lift The originalHi-Tidedesign, theGear Drive Liftboasts an all-aluminum structure, thelongest-lastingmetal...
Big boat?No problem! Hi-TideYacht Liftscan hold boats from 30,000 lbs to 180,000 lbs! Need a special size or configuration? Call us and let us customize a lift for you! Gear Drive Lift The originalHi-Tidedesign, theGear Drive Liftboasts an all-aluminum structure, thelongest-lastingmetal...
easy installation and maintenance, and is an economical and practical ideal cargo transportation equipment for replacing elevators between low floors. It is widely used in various industries such as factories, grain depots, airports, gas stations, organs, docks, field power, street lamp maintenance...
Marine/Vessel Marina, cruise ships, docks, marinas, ferry boats, ports, cargo ships, ship building, scientific research, oceanography.