1. 先去 https://www.plex.tv/plex-pass/purchase/?code=Asustor-Plex30 利用华硕优惠码白嫖1个月会员,填写信用卡信息,信用卡区域填中国。 2. 在 https://plex.tv/subscription 里取消订阅。 3. 在 https://plex.tv/subscription 里升级为lifetime订阅,填写优惠码 LIFETIMEOFCOMFORT 获取25%OFF优惠 ,填写...
步骤: 1. 先去 https://www.plex.tv/plex-pass/purchase/?code=Asustor-Plex30 利用华硕优惠码白嫖1个月会员,填写信用卡信息,信用卡区域填中国。 2. 在 https://plex.tv/subscription 里取消订阅。 3. 在 https://plex.tv/subscription 里升级为lifetime订阅,填写优惠码 LIFETIMEOFCOMFORT 获取25%OFF优惠...
Plex is offering 20% off its lifetime Plex Pass subscription to celebrate the ongoing Pro Week. You can redeem the promotion with a code that’s valid throughout the Plex Pro week. The lifetime subscription to Plex isnow available for $95.99(instead of $119.99) if you use the promo cod...
某宝Lifetim..某宝 Lifetime Plex Pass历史最低 真香被video station 到EMby 再到video station 再再到Jellyfin折腾的不轻 不是音效播不了 就是不转码 再要
3回复贴,共1页 <返回plextv吧plex 终身会员 lifetime pass 只看楼主收藏回复 阳大雀 初级粉丝 1 长期出 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-04-20 17:32回复 小凯哥哥丶丶 初级粉丝 1 多少出? 来自iPhone客户端2楼2023-05-05 01:36 回复 ...
Plex has announced a temporary price reduction on the lifetime Plex Pass. The lifetime pass is normally priced at $119.99, but right now,you can grab it for $95.99, a 20% discount. While a monthly subscription is available for $4.99, the lifetime pass offers a more cost-effective soluti...
Plex 终身账号 原价770人民币(119.9美元)特价299 现在Netflix账号不好弄了 很多人开始用plex作为代替 自己把视频存起来 岂不美哉? Plex功能介绍: 界面美观 可以读取硬解电脑或者nas上的视频 免费直播节目 自动匹配电影电视的海报 可以设置多个账户借朋友
Plex (Image credit: Windows Central) Right now the Plex lifetime pass is 25% off for the holidays, bringing the total down to $89.99. Earlier this year the lifetime pass was selling as high as $150, but it has been going for $120 since November. The drop to $90 is a a match ...
In this combinatorial example in Fig.3, the three clusters in the lifetime domain multiplexed with the channel-based in the spectral domain yield a 6-plex image using only 3 probes (Fig.3l, m). The specific transcripts for genes targeted for this experiment with the combined probes werePOLR...
plex.tv 现有 Plex Pass 终身订阅,现价$95.99, 需要使用折扣码POWERGEEK。 美国境内免运费。 点击购买>> 小编推荐:年度折扣。玩NAS、PT的同学对于Plex应该都不陌生吧,虽然Plex也可以免费用,但会员才能开启硬件转码,而替代品Jellyfin、KODI等易用性、综合体验上也不如Plex方便。如果你的NAS配置不错,想要充分利用上...