The world record for the longest living pooch, for example, is held by a pooch named Bluey who was an Australian Cattle Dog. He passed away in 1939 at the ripe old age of 29. For mixed-breed dogs, weight can be used to determine how long he or she is expected to live. ...
fact, there are records of dogs living well past 20-years-old. Although this list of the longest living dog breeds doesn't contain the Australian Cattle Dog, the world record for the longest living dog is an ACD named Bluey. Bluey passed away in 1939 at the ripe age of 29-years-old!
Australian Cattle Dog, breed of herding dog developed in the 19th century to work with cattle in the demanding conditions of the Australian Outback. It is called a heeler because it moves cattle by nipping at their feet; this trait was introduced to the
Australian Cattle Dog Canaan dog See all related content herding dog, any of several breeds ofdogsthat herdlivestock. They also typically make fine family pets or obedience competitors. The rise of herding dogs is closely tied to the domestication of sheep and other livestock during theNeolithic ...
Dachshund, dog breed of hound and terrier ancestry developed in Germany to pursue badgers into their burrows. The Dachshund (whose name means “badger dog” in German) is a long-bodied, characteristically lively dog with a deep chest, short legs, taperin
Australian Shepherd, breed of herding dog that, despite its name, was developed in the western United States in the late 1800s primarily from British-derived herding dogs, most of which came to the American West via the East and Midwest, though some arri
Border Collie, breed of herding dog, typically an outstanding sheepdog, which has been used along the English-Scottish border for about 300 years. The product of crossing ancient Roman-era and Viking-era herding dogs, the Border Collie is considered to b
Dalmatian, dog breed named after the Adriatic coastal region of Dalmatia, Croatia, its first definite home. The origins of the breed are unknown. The Dalmatian has served as a sentinel, war dog, fire department mascot, hunter, shepherd, and performer. It