Cockatoos are monogamous breeders with long-lasting pair ties. Cockatoos mate once a year, between the months of December and March. To attract a female, the male cockatoo puts on an impressive performance. While bobbing, bouncing, and dancing in front of the female, he extends his wings, ...
Also known as macaw wasting disease, PPD is caused by the bornavirus and affects the proventriculus, which is a gland that secrets digestive enzymes in a bird’s stomach. The effect on their digestion ultimately leads to them losing weight until they pass away. It can also lead to neurolo...
Adult: Reaching sexual maturity at about4-6 years of age, they are now fully grownandcapable of breeding. Adult African Greys display a full grey plumage,a bright red tail, and a more developed cognitive and vocal ability. Factors That Determine Lifespan Of African Greys In Captivity The li...