What is the lifespan of a ladybug? How long do Boston ferns live? Is algae biotic? How long do conifers live? How long do amphibians live in captivity? How long can a snail sleep? What nutrients limit the growth of marine phytoplankton?
139K Learn the defining characteristics of insects. Explore the taxonomy of insects, such as what phylum insects are in, and common orders of the class Insecta. Related to this QuestionWhat is the lifespan of a housefly? What is the lifespan of a ladybug? How long do amphibians live?
What is a mayfly's lifespan? Do fish die of old age? How long can amoeba live outside of water? How long can an amoeba live? How long do members of the phylum Mollusca live? Do clownfish live in coral reefs? What do clownfish eat? What is the lifespan of a ladybug? How long ...