The vast majority of animal species have two sexes, and those sexes often differ in many aspects of their biology. Most obviously, males range from a tiny fraction of the size of females to considerably larger and live considerably shorter to substantially longer lives (Austad, 2006, Finch, 19...
2006). The inverse correlation between metabolic rate and longevity in Drosophila has been reported in a number of studies. It has been suggested that poikilotherms can have their lifespan extended or curtailed as their metabolic rates are decreased or increased, respectively (Finch 1990; Rose ...
hearing, vision, smell and somatosensation, genetic testing (blood and buccal swabs) comprehensive blood panels, and a complex and utterly unique battery of cognitive tests some of which are well known (NIH Toolbox, MoCA, etc) and some of which are in-house measures developed by our team. ...