Focuses on several pro-life organizations being tracked by the United States Justice Department. Violence Against Abortion Providers Conspiracy; Women's Coalition for Life; Concerned Women for America; Christian Coalition.RodriguezPaulMEBSCO_AspInsight on the News...
Not a big thing, really, but most definitely a thing. Between the Republicans, right-wing Democrats and the corporate news-media, it’s a thing that certainly draws more negative mention than positive — but given that its critique of American society pointedly includes Republicans, right-wing ...
was in fact too early, especially since pastors spend a lot of time after church welcoming and chatting with parishioners. The program was held in the basement of a Catholic church, and we drew some people by standing in the parking lot with signs welcoming ...
catholic pro-life news, articles, editorials and on-line resources inspired by the gospel of life and updated daily. グローバルランク #2,291,638 lifesite home - u.s. edition グローバルランク #44,768 lifeissues.net対lifesitenews.comランキング比較 過去3か月のlife...
The article welcomes the news that Catholic seminaries are growing quickly, contrary to people's perception that religious life is dead. It points out that this growth is happening to traditional religious orders and to new ones that continue to adhere to the ideas of their founders and ...
on June 4-5, 2010 at the Catholic University of America. The UFL is an ecumenical advocacy group founded in 1989 promoting research on issues including abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. The program was reportedly full of presentations by pro-life faculty members from U.S. and Canadian ...
This article features the 2010-2011 Respect Life Program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). It recognizes the program for promoting the right to life as a fundamental human right. It expects the program to help families in their struggle with decisions of life-or-...
The article presents trends and developments affecting the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XIV released his first encyclical "Deus Caritas Est." The late Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer discussed the demonic nature of political utopianism. Several newsbriefs concerning the Church are presented which includes ...
(cover story)Highlights the Catholic teachings of Christendom College, a small institution located near Front Royal, Virginia. History of the school; Number of students enrolled in the school; Details on the subjects taught in the school.GoodeStephenChristensen...
The article presents a series of news briefs concerning religion and public life. The book "To Hunt, to Shoot, to Entertain: Clericalism and the Catholic Laity," Russell Shaw is discussed. Highlights from a speech delivered by the archbishop of San Antonio, Texas Jose Gomez at the "...