所谓天作之合无关时间的长短,而是一瞬间,便了然于心,那种感觉就像风雨后的河流之水,在冲走一切的同时,却又再度填满你心,那种感觉贯穿你全身,你的双手,你的心,深入五脏,延伸至体肤。 ——《HIMYM》 最近又在看寻妈记,上次看它还是大三吧,八年前。这是小乐推荐我看的,当时不知不觉就看到了第六季,后来有点...
“每个人命中注定有一个the lifelong treasure of destiny, 尽管有的人good, great and even wonderful,但她不是你的天作之合”希望我永远有勇气,去爱那个与我meant for each other的人,而不是去找match for each other的,合适的人会遇到很多,但是上天的treasure却只有一个。 L瞬间便是永恒80484的微博视频 ...
Lifelong T..Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz:The one is not that something that develops over time it is something t
As a matter of fact, wise people in large numbers have come to realize the importance of lifelong learning.As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to cultivate the awareness of lifelong learning.If young people try their best to enhance their various...
Learning: the Treasure Within, the Delors Report (UNESCO 1996), built on these two ideas, enlarging them in the light of the challenges facing individuals and the global community in the twenty-first century. For the Delors Commission, lifelong learning implies the acquisition of knowledge, ...
Learning: the Treasure Within, the Delors Report (UNESCO 1996), built on these two ideas, enlarging them in the light of the challenges facing individuals and the global community in the twenty-first century. For the Delors Commission, lifelong learning implies the acquisition of knowledge, skills...