From food, health & immunity, clothing, body care, home decor and more, Isha Life offers a range of products that originates from Sadhguru's wisdom.
Isha Shoppe is your first source for Isha Foundation products and services in North America, Europe, and other parts of the world. We offer natural body care products, Isha Herbals, yoga accessories, yoga mats, props, meditation accessories, DVD videos a
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Isha Life Thaai Mann most intimate aspect of the physicality is your own body. One way for you to transcend the physical is to constantly – experientially, not just intellectually – remind the body what it really is: just a piece of earth." – Sadhguru Benefits And Uses Of Isha Life Th...
Isha Life Neem and Turmeric capsules for Skin help with skin problems like pimples. Taking Isha Life Neem and Turmeric capsules benefits heart health and weight loss.
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