微软摄像头驱动下载地址:https://www.microsoft.com/accessories/zh-cn/d/lifecam-vx-1000摄像头重约96.7克 小熊收的库存,全有塑料包装,但可能运输中货碰货,可能会有轻微的小划痕。 内置麦克风,内置USB麦克风极其清晰地传递您的声音。通用附属底座,可放置于桌面或轻松地将 LifeCam 连接到任何显示器或笔记本。原装长...
Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 网络摄像头说明书
产品简介:微软 LifeCam VX-1000 数码摄像头采用真正的 130 万像素传感器可实现清晰锐利的视频画质。玻璃镜头可使好友的视频画面更清晰逼真。在暗光条件下自动调节,实现出色的视频画质。微软LifeCam VX-1000 与 Windows Live Messenger 无缝集成,以实现轻松设置与使用。适合大多数显示器,如平板显示屏和笔记本屏幕等,也可...
Compatibility Logos• Designed for Microsoft Windows XP • Certified USB logo Software Version Microsoft Lifecam software, version 1.1 or higher, is required in order to enjoy full product functionality including Windows Live™ Call, Windows Live Dashboard, One Touch Blogging to Windows Live Spa...
vx1000 Manufacturers Microsoft Supported Operating Systems Windows XP File Name microsoft_lifecam_vx1000_v1_1.7z (1.1 MB)Versions (30-Jun-2006)Additional Notes Microsoft provides a file ~120MB in size. Throw away the M$ crap, and you're left with 5.6MB. I packed the driver with...
LifeCam Driver Error & Solution: Resolving web camera errors can be tricky as often a computer may not show any error message and all you see is a blank screen. To help you out, here are some common LIFECAM VX-1000 errors and their solutions. ...
Video Tutorial:How to Download & Install a Driver Find All Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000 Driver Updates Supported Models vx3000 Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000 Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000. Manufacturers Microsoft Supported Operating Systems Windows 2003, Windows XP ...
Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 产品说明书 * One megapixel = 1,000,000 pixels. Lower resolution available when sending video via instant messaging.Results stated herein are based on internal Microsoft testing. Individual results and performance may vary. Any device images shown are not actual size. This...
全没有支架了,摄像头是好的,收到拆个线当个配件用还是不错的。 不好意思 - 这个商品卖完了! 有新到货小熊就会马上更新库存。 货位:F1-2-3-VX-1000分类:故障研究 老东西了,这几天清仓库,发现还有一些支架断了的,回去自己DIY一下,也可以凑合用一下的,卖条线也要几块钱的,运输中货碰货,会有轻微的小划...