Well, monk mode is where we go somewhere that is silent, there are no interruptions, we maybe get a block of ninety minutes work done, maybe twice a week, then we go to the office as normal, added advantages we've missed the commute, and got our emails and our meetings done.僧侣模式...
Some tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance include setting regular working hours and sticking to them, taking breaks during the day, scheduling time for leisure activities, delegating tasks to free up your time, and setting boundaries with colleagues. It’s important that you make time...
Work-life balance means something different to every individual, but here health and career experts share tips to help you find the balance that’s right for you. 1.Let go of perfectionism A lot of overachievers develop perfectionist tendencies at a young age when demands on their time are l...
Below are some tips for how to achieve the right work/life balance: 1. Schedule time in your calendar each week for uninterrupted time– no customer, client or staff distractions. This time can be used however you choose; either working through business issues or taking time out for yourself...
14 Great Tips to Help You with Your Work Life Balance 1. Wake Up Early It may seem relaxing to hit the snooze button before work and get in five or ten extra minutes of sleep, but waiting until the last minute to get out of bed can do more harm than good. Getting up early has ...
Here are 12 tips to have good your work-life balance: 1. Plan ahead Plan ahead to combine work activities with leisure, social, or fitness activities. If you find yourself with several virtual meetings back-to-back, try taking them while you go for a walk. You could also take a call ...
Here are our key tips for establishing a healthy and productive work-life balance. 1. Set clear boundaries Our first top tip is to establish a clear separation between your work and personal life. It’s important you set boundaries between the two since this helps you focus on your current...
It is possible to follow your dreams & create space for relaxation, spontaneity, connection and the simple act of being. Try these 6 tips for work/life balance.
These 14 work-life balance tips will help tip the scales in the right direction to redress a healthy work-life balance. How to balance work and life 1. Identify productivity peaks So long as the work gets done, it shouldn’t matter when in the day it happens. While some people are...
However, when it comes to creating a good work/life balance the magic word is closure. The Mental Health Foundation says that if you do happen to take work home with you, you should try and confine it to a certain room – and be able to close the door on it. It’s also important...