追加楽曲「Life Will Change (GAME SYMPHONY JAPAN by 東京室内管弦楽団)」を新しい譜面ならびにGAME SYMPHONY JAPAN 21st CONCERTのコンサート映像でプレイできます。 プラットフォーム: PS4 発売日: 2018/8/9 メーカー: (株)アトラス ジャンル: リズムアクション 12歳未満のお子様はPlay...
I took a photo of my left hand. As I have played the violin for many years, the pinky finger on my left hand has become 4 mm longer than the pinky finger on my right hand and has turned outward, making it easier to press the strings. Bones change depending on the environment. I ...