正文:Title: Life Now and Then Life now is vastly different from life in the past. With the rapid development of technology, our lives have become more convenient and efficient. We can communicate with people around the world instantly through social media platforms, and we can acce...
Hey Meg, so I thought we would talk about then and now, the present and the past. 嘿,梅格,我们来谈谈那时和现在,现在和过去。 Sounds good. 听上去不错。 So, it's very easy to compare things, compare things now, 现在很容易对事情进行比较, and sometimes people think things were better in...
学科网为您提供Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1 练习题 2024-2025学年外研版九年级英语下册精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多外研版初中英语九年级下册同步练优质资源请关注学科网
【典范】教学设计● 外研版九下Module 3 Life now and then 单元整体设计|广东顺德德胜学校 谭丽星 今天顺德初中英语微信公众号您推出英文金曲夏天的氛围。演唱者:顺德区乐从第一实验学校潘焓玥,指导老师:程金华。热切欢迎各位英语同仁...
life now and then作文 Life now and then seems very different. In the past, people had to work hard to get enough food and cloth. And the technology was very limited. People lived in a less-developed society. Moreover, with the help of the internet, people can get access to knowledge ...
life now and then 作文 Life Now and Then Life now and then is quite different. In the past, people used to live a simple life. They had no televisions, no computers, and no mobile phones. People's daily life was much slower and they did not have so many distractions. For entertainmen...
Life Now and Then(秋九B3) 00:00 / 02:04 自动 1080P高清登录即享 720P高清登录即享 480P清晰 360P流畅 自动(480P) 倍速 1 人正在看 , 0 条弹幕 请先登录或注册 弹幕礼仪 发送 1 投币2 4 稿件投诉 未经作者授权,禁止转载 学易优初中英语2020秋季讲义九年级B版Unit3 阅读多媒体呈现适用于多...
Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will take place.But what will the changes be?The population is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of them live longer than people do now....
本模块以“Life now and then”为话题,谈论了现在与过去相比,生活上发生的巨大变化。通过本模块学习,学生应学会运用形容词和副词的比较等级来描述各种变化,引导学生用辩证的思维和发展的眼光来看待问题,从而珍惜今天的幸福生活,懂得感恩社会、感恩父母。【Part A】—词句积累Life in the past was quite different ...
Module 3 Life now and then Module 3单词朗读 wealthy[ˈwelθi] adj. 富有的;富裕的 fear[fɪə] n. 担心;害怕 used to v. & aux. (用于表示过去真实或经常性的行为,特别强调现在不那样了)过去 wealth[welθ] n. 财富;财产 double[ˈdʌbl] v. 使加倍;把……增加一倍;adj. (成)双的...