这书是用来传销生物学的 是的,我就是这个组织的受害者之一Life, 能用这四个字母作标题并不辜负它们的书并不多,而且似乎也只有教材级别的书能有这样去写的动机和目的。这本书应该是教科书,但其实任何教科书都可以成为科普书,作科普用途的教科书要做到的最关键一点就是让非本专业的读者也可以理解并学习知识,而不...
内容简介· ··· The Eleventh Edition of Life: The Science of Biology is engaging, active, and focused on teaching the skills that students need in the majors biology course. New pedagogical features grab students’ attention and give them a clear learning path through the text. Active learnin...
LIFE: The Science of Bi- ology, Fifth Edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc. , and W. H. Freeman and Company.Purves, W.K., Orians, G.H., Heller, H.C., and Sadava, D. 1998. Life: the science of biology. 5th ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunder- land, Mass....
That’s what Stanford University sophomore Pieter John-son thought when he was shown a jar of Pacific tree frogs with ex-tra legs growing out of their bodies. The frogs were collected froma pond on a farm close to the old Almaden mercury mines southof San Jose, California. Scientists from...
Purves - Life - The Science of Biology, Seventh Edition-英文原版生物学教材教程电子书籍下载_3 When a hormone binds to receptors on the same cell thatis releasing it, the hormone acts as an autocrine message (Fig-ure 42.1b). Growth factors are examples of paracrine mes-sages that can also ...
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Life The Science of Biology, 10e:生命科学的生物,10E,Life The Science of Biology, 10e:生命科学的生物,10Eof,e,生物,Life,10e,Life,The,the,Life,Life,of..
Life: The Science of Biology 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 32 作者: Purves, William K. (William Kirkwood) 摘要: This edition of this introductory text upholds the pattern set by earlier editions of presenting the essentials of biology in a systematized and condensed manner. In addition...
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