This principle, nowadays called “The Law of Attraction (LOA),” has actually been around for thousands of years and can be found in the Bible and many other spiritual texts and teachings. So it is important that we first identify our habitual thought patterns, to see which ones are serving...
“What shall we do in the face of continued injustice and oppression?” The answer came as the duo’s third Bible project with Thomas Nelson,The Breathe Life Bible. Looking to replace hopelessness and despair with hopeful
My introduction to her came in childhood, when a framed photo of her had a place of honor in our home—a photo that now graces my own home This deep-seated devotion stems from the connection to my maternal grandparents, Lorenzo & Angelina, who owned a bakery on First Avenue in Manhattan...
In the bible, we are told that God inhabits the praises of His people. When you begin to praise and thank Him, you are in His presence. It doesn’t matter where you are physically, or what’s going on around you, you can access the joy that’s inside of you at any time – day...
‘I will never be rid of the temptation to look at porn. But I have learned to resist it’ Previous Next New Year Offer 50% Off Your First 6 Months! Grab this Deal! Get an amazing 50% off your first 6 month subscription! SAVING an amazing £19.50! Delve into our thought-provoking...
Since my first visit to the farm, I'd wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stonewalls surrounding the property. My parents would never approve. The walls were old;some stones were missing, others loose and crumbling. Still, my yearning to scramble across those walls grew ...
Is there any of the similar proverbs in the Bible? Yes, the Bible has proverbs and themes that relate to the ideas of destiny, the influence of inner thoughts on outer appearance, the impact of mindset on life circumstances, and the virtue of tolerance or acceptance. Here are some biblical...
10.) When your child starts a family of their own, consciously bring to mind how you felt at various times when your own parents supported you in your new role and/or interfered with the establishment of your new little family. Acknowledge to yourself (and to them) that they won’t do...
Several years ago I led an adult forum about summer spirituality at our church. The following material is adapted from that forum and the guide book I wrote as part of that presentation. I invite you to consider how you might savor this summer season. Enter the First Days of Summer: Ref...
The“Christian” Leftloudly, proudly and unequivocally insists that Jesus approves of abortions at any time and for any reason up the child’s first breath*. According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath. ...