2007. The management of metabolic energy storage during the life cycle of mayflies: a comparative Weld investigation of the collector-gatherer Ephemera danica and the scraper Rhithrogena semicolorata. J Comp Physiol B 177: 119-128.Winkelmann C, Koop J (2007) The management of metabolic energy ...
The time an organism takes to mature, its overall life span, the number of individuals in the population, and how easily they can access each other will all affect an individual’s reproductive capacity. An organism’s life span is the period of time between their birth and death. Generally...
They also found no other species with a post-embryonic lifespan of only 4–5 months. “The physically intense social system of this species, the harsh and unpredictable environment it inhabits, with a brief active season and when adult mortality is already high, may exacerbate the compression ...
The Danish Mayfly has been chosen as the insect of the year in 2021. The Danish Mayfly is the...
Thousands of mayflies swarmed the smokestack. They came from the water as nymphs, rose to the surface, grew wings, and flew. They are ancient insects. Aristotle wrote about their incredibly brief life span. There are other prehistoric creatures around here. The oldest known footprints on the...
Imagine if mayflies, in addition to their two-day life-span, had money and power and opposable thumbs and whatever else it takes to run the world. That could be the way the trees see humans. Humans plan in decades. Trees plan in centuries. We learn from Jörg Adolph’s documentary “...
That made him love jumping even more, especially when thousands of mayflies hatched. Yum! He loved exploring the beautiful little lake, racing through the water lilies and playing with his friends. As he grew, he learned to use his speed to avoid snapping turtles and his stealth to sneak ...
Life History, Growth and Secondary Production of Caenis luctuosa and Cloeon simile (Ephemeroptera) in a Small Pond, S.W. France We studied the population dynamics of the mayflies Caenis luctuosa (Burmeister) (Caenidae) and Cloeon simile Eaton (Baetidae) in a permanent pond in Southw... J...
Russell Garwood and Alan Spencer (UK) The Carboniferous Period is a fascinating time in earth history. It spanned 60Ma (359.2 to 299.0Ma), towards the end of the Palaeozoic era, falling between the Devonian and Permian. During the Carboniferous, the supe
mayfliesCaenis luctuosalife cyclesecondary productionsemiarid streamCaenis luctuosa Bürmeister is a euryhaline species, which occurs throughout much of Europe. The study was carried out during 1994 in Chicamo stream, a spatially intermittent stream in Southeast Spain, with warm (7–30 °C) and ...