Logging reduced tree lifespan not only by removing older trees, but also by reducing the number of years beech individuals spent in the shaded understory. Tree lifespan and growth rates were affected by climate (springsummer temperature) and were inversely related to one another along elevation ...
Here, we combine species-specific estimates of fine root dynamics with a model that predicts current distribution and future suitable habitat of temperate tree species across the eastern United States (US). Estimates of fine root lifespan and turnover are based on empirical observations and ...
The proteasome in eukaryotic cells can degrade a variety of proteins and plays an important role in regulating the cell cycle, cell survival and apoptosis. The proteasome receives much attention as a potential chemotherapeutic target for treatment of a v
A life table is a tabulated expression of life expectancy and mortality-related information at specified ages in a given population. This study utilised VetCompass data to develop life tables for the UK companion dog population and broken down by sex, Kennel Club breed group, and common breeds....
Trees can live for many centuries with sustained fecundity and death is largely stochastic. We use a neutral stochastic model to examine tree demographic patterns that emerge over time, across a range of population sizes and empirically observed mortalit
As I take the drive home, a gust of wind shakes a beech tree, loosing a handful of green leaves over the highway. I love this solitude, where all I can do is listen to music and daydream. Just me and an 18-wheeler. We travel together until he slows down and arcs away. ...
of the Huia were reported here in 1912 and 1913 and this area of mixed beech (Nothofagus) and podocarp forest was well within the bird’s former range. Despite this, naturalists from the Dominion Museum in Wellington did not investigate the reports. The possibility of a small Huia ...
Flanking the main path are an iconic pair ofThuja occidentalis Fastigiatatrees (Arbor vitae), commonly called the “tree of life,” planted by Jennie in 1930 (they are now on their third pair). The Mound has spectacular views of the garden including the tall chimney of the long vanished ki...
I found the cocoon in a tree and wanted to find out what kind of moth was in it so I placed the cocoon in a large jar. After about two weeks the moth emerged and I placed a plastic pole in the jar so she could crawl out, since she was trying to expand her wings. However, ...
I think about the gaps in the landscape and the traces left of what is lost. In the park, I can still see the outline where an old tree was felled and dug out. It has been gone for years, so to others, it might just be a piece of uneven ground, a gathering place for fallen ...