Life Span of Bill Wilson
1 :lifelong 2 :of long duration or continuance lifetimelegislation 3 :measured or achieved over the span of a career a baseball player'slifetimebatting average Synonyms Noun continuance date duration life life span run standing time See All Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus ...
Bill Sardi was a force of Nature. And though he is no longer here with us, his impact is still felt today. I expect to repeat the preceding sentence long into the future. Those of us who know Bill could talk about his many books identifying powerful health strategies; his voluminous arti...
life imprisonment- a sentence of imprisonment until death captivity,immurement,incarceration,imprisonment- the state of being imprisoned; "he was held in captivity until he died"; "the imprisonment of captured soldiers"; "his ignominious incarceration in the local jail"; "he practiced the immurement...
Daily Mail (London)
fresh scents arose from the invigorated ground; the blue expanse above extended and diffused itself; already the sun's slanting rays pierced mortally the sullen bank of cloud that lingered in its flight; and a rainbow, spirit of all the colours that adorned the earth and sky, spanned the ...
Comrade Liu Hulan gave her younglifefor the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people. 刘胡兰同志为中国人民的解放事业献出了年轻的生命. ②[U]生物(总称)(包括动植物和人); animal and plantlife 动植物. Is there anylifeon the moon?
Most of what’s on display in the historical district of Mérida dates to the 18th and 19th centuries, when the city was at its most prosperous, but the Spanish colonial era in Latin America spanned some 500 years. There’s a lot of variation packed into that half-millenium, and it’s...
Hailed as the Top Gospel Artist of the Decade by Billboard,Tasha Cobbs Leonardhas built her career on larger-than-life performances and powerhouse vocals that will get everyone dancing on their feet. On her new album, HYMNS, Leonard goes bigger and bolder than ever before, reimagining classic...
Within a short span of time, Ladder made significant strides in revolutionizing the life insurance industry. The company’s user-friendly website and mobile app allowed customers to easily navigate through the application process, obtain quotes, and manage their policies with just a few clicks. Thi...