Joann in Medford, Oregon asks: "We would like to know what the life span of our Maine Coon is. Bubba is approximately 10 years old."Reply:Hi Joann,The "technical" answer is 12 - 15 years, which is pretty good in feline years!There are a variety of health concerns that can come up...
Our days on earth are as a shadow —The Holy Bible/Job (I worry that) our lives are like soap operas. We can go for months and not tune in to them, then six months later we look in and the same stuff is still going on —Jane Wagner Our lives are united like fruit in a bowl...
Life, DefinedThe course of life is like the sea; men come and go; tides rise and fall; and that is all of history —Joaquin MillerEach person’s life is like a mountain. And each person has to climb that mountain top alone —Rosamund PilcherPilcher builds on the mountain simile by exp...
span for the human species. That's proof that God knew what She was doing, especially in regards to procreation. Due however to man's usurping of Woman's natural superiority, we are left with a testosterone driven "ideal" that has kept us in wars, conflicts, the ruination of our ...
At the time when he began writing his Bible commentaries, his Aristotelian commentary project, if it was not still continuing, was certainly fresh in his mind; we should not be surprised to see frequent references and allusions to Averroes.2322 Gersonides presents a similar position in Wars of...
OUR days begin with trouble here / our life is but a span, / And cruel death is always near, / so frail a thing is man. / Then sow the seeds of grace whilst young, / that when thou com'st to die, / Thou may'st sing forth that triumph song, / Death where's thy victory. ...
Another bonus: this sauna is easy to assemble, lightweight, and can fit almost anywhere in your home! Episode Highlights With Sauna Fix Why studies show that using sauna 5 times a week can extend lifespan by 7 years Why if a sauna was a pill, everyone would take it How exercise and ...
future life n (reincarnation)来生;再世I hope to come back as a house cat in a future life. Get a life! interj (expressing contempt) (表示轻蔑、蔑视)找点别的事情做吧!;别那么无聊!;找点正经事情来做吧!When I told them I was translating the Bible into Vulcan they all said “Get a ...
Your life is in danger.你的生命处(處)于(於)危险(險)之中。 Nǐ de shēngmìng chǔyú wēixiǎn zhī zhōng. 3 [c] (=lifespan) [of person] 一生 yīshēng [个 gè] People spend their lives worrying about money.人的一生都在为(為)钱(錢)而担(擔)忧(憂)。 Rén de yīshēng dōu...
6. lifetime, day, life, season, duration, life span, allotted span I wouldn't change anything if I had my time again. 7. heyday, prime, peak, hour, springtime, salad days, best years or days He was a very good jockey in his time.verb1...