Alright, time for my favorite life skill: creativity! This is the superpower that lets you think outside the box, come up with amazing ideas, and solve problems in unique ways. Whether you're writing a story, painting a picture, or building a fort out of blankets and pillows, being cre...
Money management is another essential skill. Even as kids, learning how to budget our allowance, save for things we want, and spend responsibly gives us practice for later in life. Once we're teens and start having part-time jobs, we'll need money smarts to avoid going broke or getting ...
When both parents have work to attend to or important commitments, it becomes difficult for them to move around with their kids. The best option for them is to leave the child in a childcare centre where they can stay active while playing with others and sharpen different skills that will ...
Life skill: first-aid Why it matters:First-aid isn’t just about saving lives; it’s also about recognising dangers, helping people who are injured or unwell, and knowing how to get help in an emergency – important skills for children and adults alike. ‘Children often embrace these skills...
cultivate valuable business skills as early as possible. After graduating from high school, most teens are exposed to the real world, and these skills can come in handy. Decision-making is a must-have skill for any teen who wants to venture into the business world in college or later in ...
When we have good communication skills, we can share our ideas and feelings with others. We can also understand what others are saying to us. This helps us make friends and work well with others. Another important life skill is problem-solving. When we have problem-solving skills, we can ...
So the question for me becomes how do I translate my joy to others, how do I create a desire in others to build the skill set needed so they can create the kind of food they like to eat, create it with efficient, quality results and excitement. It is frustrating for me in moments ...
This list only brushes the surface of some of the life skills you might want to consider teaching your kids before they head off into the world. I hope this list has given you some ideas for life skills to teach in your homeschool classroom. Author Bio: Misty Bailey is the voice behind...
Cooking seems to be a lost skill with all of the options of take-out and fast food. But why not teach the importance of knowing how to cook while making it fun for kids? We've come up with someeasy ideas for cooking with kids. And they won't even realize that you're teaching the...
See the world through a different lens by discovering new places, cultures and ideas. The students have already begun to explore when they sign up for one of our courses. Not only do our students get to discover new places when with us, they also learn the local culture. The opportunity ...