The story of thebalanghai(also calledbalangay) replicas begins in 2009 when the Kaya ng Pinoy Inc., the team (headed by Arturo “Art” Valdez, former undersecretary of theDENRandDTI) that conqueredMount Everestin 2006, announced plans to reconstruct abalanghaiboat, with the help of theSama...
Life-size “Embracing Peace” in downtown Spring Lake, NJ (2022) “If It Were Time” by Seward Johnson, an homage to “Terrace at Sainte-Adresse” by Monet (2021) Daylily (earlier visit) “Family Secret” by Seward Johnson, inspired by Renoir’s “Two Sisters in the Terrace” (2021)...
), but it was later cancelled due to “unforeseen circumstances”, which I have to assume includes the fact that not enough people were willing to drop almost $500 for a ticket to a one-day festival where most of the bands would’ve had to play for like 20 minutes, which probably coul...