Frightening but not altogether surprising news from Florida: in an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of The Hunger Games—the Y.A. book series turned blockbuster franchise—a school in Largo offered a Hunger Games–themed camp this summer.
Typed Series by Paul Tzanetopoulos (solo)01.05 - (Los Angeles, CA, United States) (1) CLÉMENT COGITORE - Digital Deserts, Evil Eyes and Kids. Photos. (solo)01.07 - 01.31Galerie Reinhard Hauff (Stuttgart, Germany) (1)(3) Issy Wood - daughterproof (solo)01.08 - 02.09...
The Harry Potter Series Does it even need a description? I mean, really?! Because of our dear Harry, anyone with a scar on their forehead or round-framed glasses will forever fall victim to jokes about Hogwarts and Voldemort and Dementors. The series is extremely well-balanced, allowing the...
The Harry Potter Series Does it even need a description? I mean, really?! Because of our dear Harry, anyone with a scar on their forehead or round-framed glasses will forever fall victim to jokes about Hogwarts and Voldemort and Dementors. The series is extremely well-balanced, allowing the...
I’ve reread the series more times than I can count. My love for these books has nothing to do with elves or magic or swords, although those things are all fine, as far as I’m concerned. What makes me return to this story again and again, though, is the notion of life as a qu...
Is it from a series I love? Will I enjoy playing it again? Usually a game has to satisfy most or all of these criteria whether or not a game stays. So, the games I do have, take up far less space. Eventually, I do want to display what I have, in a cool, unique and ...
Meghan McCain Slams Meghan Markle’s Netflix Series as ‘Out of Touch’ and ‘Utterly Tone Deaf to the Moment’: ‘This Is Why the World Doesn’t Like You’ 1/4/2025 by Zack Sharf Variety Film + TV YouTube JoBlo TV roundup: This week’s free movies are Danny’s Game, The Price...
Perhaps therein lies part of the solution: a return to instrumental activities of daily living. Much like when a quarterback starts a football game by throwing a series of short passes to get into a rhythm, these simple tasks can remind us on a daily basis that life takes some work and ...
Graffiti Games and developer Robi Studios has announced that Blue Fire is arriving on Switch (and PC, if that's your bag) on 4th February. Inspired by the dungeon combat of the Zelda series and the fast-paced platforming of 2D titles like Hollow Knight (with some lashings of Dark Souls ...
It started a series of truly unfortunate events. From doctors who blatantly disregarded my requests because they thought they knew better than I did about how I wanted to treat my body to people who refused to learn about the possible impact of PFAS on my body and illness (fired that one ...