News Notes - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciencesdoi:10.5795/jjscc.31.28Nadia HalimThe ScientistScientist
During the third quarter of 2018, Cortellis Deals Intelligence registered 131 new mergers and acquisitions (M&A) with a total disclosed deal value of $16 billion as part of its ongoing coverage of M&A activity in the life sciences sector compared to 113 and $104.6 billion in the second quarter...
methods and techniques in mathematics and in biology and medicine creates a natural demand for up-to-date, readable, possibly short lecture notes covering the breadth and depth of mathematical modelling, mathematical analysis and numerical computations in the life sciences, at a high scientific level...
Although these coping strategies may provide temporary emotional relief, it is important to note that relying excessively on them may inhibit long-term adaptation and adjustment to the disease43. With respect to our second objective, our results showed that the use of specific coping strategies, ...
Scientific discovery of new theories or factual entities, (objects, systems, processes, etc.,) is a component of some, but not all, multilayered endeavors of gaining new scientific knowledge about the natural world.Footnote1Opinions diverge on the boundaries of the term ‘discovery’.Footnote2Wher...
- The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences Scholars, policy-makers, and outreach specialists in the nanotech-nology community may be struggling with toxicological data and regulatory frameworks, but they seem to be able to agree on one thing: The public is unaware of the new tech... S...
Due to the importance of SCFAs on gut homeostasis, our results point to butyrate and acetate disturbances as the potential microbial precursors of the increased sensitivity to inflammation observed in CSD pups in the long term. CSD alters gut barrier structure and permeability...
. Correspondingly, the second stage of the intervention entails intensive, long-term personal life goalsetting. Students write down life goals, clarify the importance of their goals, and specify plans, obstacles, and strategies to overcome these obstacles. The final stage intends to increase goal ...
Compared to other grades, third grade Macau students were less likely to rate themselves depressed, probably because by then they could adapt better to university life while they are not yet looking for jobs and face uncertainty41. Unlike in mainland China and Hong Kong, in Macau people graduat...
The early life environment has long-term consequences for musculoskeletal development, beginning in utero. The relationship between birth weight and bone mass in adulthood was the subject of a systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2011 [1]. A 1-kg increase in birth weight was associated...