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Aims and scope The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle (JARLife) is an e-only gold open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality research on all areas related to lifestyle and aging. The Journal has five initial sections that aim to cover the broad spectrum of...
In the context of the proposed consequence category risk framework, regions of particular socio-economic value (e.g., local areas of high cultural significance, high significance to traditional activities, with designated special status such as United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization...
After a search in the Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, 349 documents were identified. After a series of filters (excluding gray literature, reading titles and keywords, reading abstracts, and reading full-texts), which helped ruling out articles that did not contribute to ...
AlessioCimini,MauroMoresi, inTrends in Food Science & Technology, 2018 2Life-cycle assessment and its application to the food sector Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is regarded one of the most appropriate and robust tool for evaluating the environmental impact associated with a product, process or act...
Search engines were used to explore ACS Publications, ASCE Library, ASME Digital Library, Cambridge Journals, EBSCOhost, EmeraldInsight, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Inderscience, IntegraConnect, IOPScience, J-STAGE, JSTOR, ProQuest, RSCPublishing, SAGE journals, ScienceDirect, SciVerse, SpringerLink...
propagation in FRANC3D: median extension and cycle extension. In this paper, the median extension was adopted, in which the extension at the node on the crack front is specified and the node represents the stress intensity factor mean (median K) of the crack front, as shown in Fig.2. ...
Finally, we would like also to address the issue on the use of ACE-R total score as the main measure for general cognitive performance. Here, our aim was not to examine sources of global cognition per se, which is beyond the scope of the paper, but rather to investigate whether the obs...
In bibliometric studies oriented towards environmentally sustainable development and climate change, similar to those addressed in this paper, the contribution of this systematic approach allows for a better characterisation of these issues [40,41,43]. The Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases pro...
SCIENCE OF SPORTS:“Certainly, when it comes to analyzing data, every scientist is, to a certain extent, affected by their viewpoint. But there are going to be four to six other authors on the papers that I come out with. And these are all physiologists at one of the top sports scien...