Aims and scope SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences(Sci ChinaLife Sci) is an international journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Natural Science Foundation of China. It is published monthly in English by Science China Press ...
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We used a2×2factorial experimental design in a model bird species, the Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) to examine direct effects of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on body condition and thyroid function during growth and the long term effects on adult physiology, focusing on body composition and m...
2) anxiety was the most important predictor of arrhythmia-related symptoms; 3) obesity had a central role in explaining the physical component of patients' general QoL; and 4) psychological factors (anxiety and depression) and low-grade inflammation were proven to have a central role in arrhythmi...
We allow for individual variation on the intercept and effect of time, with age entered as a linear term in the random part of the model. For ease of interpretation, we show time as age in years on the x-axis in all graphs. However, since the placement of the knots is determined by...
The RNAScope method results in red signal over cells containingAdamts17mRNA. Sections were counterstained with hematoxylin (blue). (a,b) At embryonic day (E) 16.5 (a),Adamts17was expressed in equatorial lens fiber cells (LFC, black arrows), capillaries of the tunica vasculosa lentis (TVL,...
Table 4. The significance of the differences between a group with Marfan syndrome and a group of healthy people in the scope of the quality of life conditioned by the health status. The results presented in Table 5 concern the differences on the level of the quality of life between the gr...
Spotlight on the Role of Physical ActivityAdvances in Cancer RehabilitationAdvances in Health Technology Assessment in the Era of AI and Data ScienceAdvances in Neuroimmunology and NeuroinflammationAdvances in Oral Diseases with Orofacial ManifestationsAdvances in Otolaryngology from Diagnosis to TreatmentAdvances...
The death, or at least the sterilization, of an unfit, inferior person was considered a benefit to society. This was purportedly based on science and economics and ultimately the common good and justified ethically as a compassionate release from suffering. ...
SCIENCE OF SPORTS:“Certainly, when it comes to analyzing data, every scientist is, to a certain extent, affected by their viewpoint. But there are going to be four to six other authors on the papers that I come out with. And these are all physiologists at one of the top sports scien...