Life Satisfaction Scales (Neugarten,Havighurst,&Tobin,1981) 简介 此量表包括三个独立的分量表,其一是他评量表,即生活满意度评定量表(Life Satisfac-tion Rating Soale),简称LSR;另两个分量表是自评量表,分别为生活满意度指数A (LifeSatisfaction Index A)和生活满意度指数B (Life Satisfaction Index B),简称LSI...
生活满意度指数A(Life Satisfaction Index A,LSIA)是一个综合评价指标,用于衡量人们对自身生活情况满意程度的指数。该指数从多个维度考量个体的生活满意度,包括经济状况、社交关系、身体健康、个人成就、居住环境等。通过对这些因素进行综合评估,可以更客观地了解个人对生活的评价和幸福感。 生活满意度指数A旨在提供一个...
网络生活满意度评定量表;生活满意度量表 网络释义
Soto et al. (2022) examined the relationship between BESSI scales and wellbeing in a study with 492 high-school students. Wellbeing was measured with Diener’s Satisfaction With Life Scale, a valid measure of subjective wellbeing. The 37 skill scales used to create five broader (domain) sca...
Life Satisfaction Index.A chart is presented which ranks countries based on their level of life satisfaction including Denmark, Austria and Sweden.EBSCO_bspBurkina Faso Country Review
Life as a Whole Index (Andrews & Withey, 1976); • Life Satisfaction Index (Neugarten, Havighurst, & Tobin, 1961); • (Multifaceted) Life Satisfaction Scale (Harner & Neal, 1993); • Quality of Life Inventory (Frisch, Cornell, Villanueva, & Retzlaff, 1992); ...
3.4.1 Psychometric Properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale The Satisfaction with Life Scale is reported to have very good internal consistency, with an alpha of 0.87 and excellent test–retest reliability, with a correlation of 0.82 across a two-month time period. Concurrent validity has be...
患者生活满意度自我评价:选用自评量表生活满意度指数A(life satisfactionindexA,LSI-A)表 [4] ,该量表包含20个题目,其中有12个 正向问题,8个负向问题;涉及热情与冷漠,决心与不屈服,愿望与 实现目标的统一等问题记分,方法是同意正向问题得2分,不同意得0 分;同意负向问题得0分,不同意得2分;不回答或不清楚的...