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george louese from twinports /duluth-superior APRIL 15, 2013 I just love your commercials - very inspiring! lucia from nicaragua APRIL 14, 2013 Beautiful, really beautiful! Jim from Toronto, Canada APRIL 13, 2013 Looks like Leanne Rimes and sounds like Leanne Rimes singing? Is it, or just...
I’ve spent the last twenty years or so being pretty active in the gay rights movement. When I first started I took on a position of leadership but I haven’t since. I never felt like I had the right to speak for a whole community. I know what it is like to be me. I know wha...
(which would make it colder than Duluth Minnesota or Ottawa Canada), we’d still face a heating bill no higher than $210 for the month. But in more realistic conditions for Colorado, we would expect about half of that level of energy consumption. And of course this is only for the ...
“Turn around right now! There’s one in Duluth!” I was literally running while getting the location from Jeff and hollering to Evan (who had fallen a hundred yards behind) to start running back to the car. Huffing and puffing, we hopped in the car and quickly got on the expressway ...
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