Title: 라이프 온 마스 / Laipeu On Maseu Genre: Drama, crime, supernatural Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: OCN Broadcast period: 2018-Jun-09 to 2018-Aug-05 Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:20 Original Soundtrack: Life on Mars OST Synopsis Han Tae Joo (Jung Kyung Ho) leads a...
Life on Mars(2008) TV Movie|Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track A present day car accident mysteriously sends a detective back to the 1970s. Director Thomas Schlamme Writers David E. Kelley(written by)|Stu Moss Cinematographer Michael Goi ...
I have so many things to say but at the same time I can't say anything. So many feels and tears, 'Life on Mars' is the best drama of 2018 and one of the best dramas ever.I haven't watched the original version so I can't tell which one is better, but I still believe that ...
Life on Mars In this remake of the British TV series of the same name, the leader of a crime investigation unit meets with an accident. When he wakes up, he finds himself in 1988. He must not only adjust to his new life, but try to solve a serial murder case that just might allo...
Life on Mars: Episode 7 by Helcat The mystery is largely laid aside this episode, as Tae-joo and the team must have a laser-focus on one big problem. This time, there’s no murder to solve, and no puzzle to piece together—the team has a chance to stop a crime before it unfolds...
Life on Mars: With Nick Coluzzi, Frankie Griffen, Dominique Johnson, Shaun Plander. After slaying the Drider Bezos, and all the other drama, our wizards take the crew to Mars. Cynthia updates on Mars news; Mars (god) tells us about life on Mars (planet);
critics and fans alike as BBC One's award-winning Life on Mars. There's been nothing else like it, with its 1970s setting and its unique blend of crime, science fiction, mystery and humour - plus of course the compelling human drama of its ever-present question: will Sam make it home...
作者:Lacey, Stephen; McElroy, Ruth; 出版年:2012-5 页数:224 定价:$ 37.29 ISBN:9780708323595 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· Life on Mars (2006-07), is one of the most talked-about television drama events of the last decade. Centring...
Welcome to the Life on Mars Wiki; A collaborative website dedicated to the science fiction/police procedural dramaLife on Mars. There are several television programmes covered by this Wiki: the originalBBC version, thethe American remake,the Spanish remake,the Russian remake, and; the BBC foll...
1/6/2025 by Matt Grobar Deadline Film + TV Tom Holland Says ‘Crowded Room’ Set Was “Not a Very Harmonious Place”: “A Lot of Animosity” 1/3/2025 by Mariel Turner The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Veronica Mars ‘Home Improvement’ Star Zachery Ty Bryan Arrested on Domestic Violen...