Life of Vids 主要以影音內容為主,大多都是長度不長的短片(30 秒左右),通常這類影片會被設計師或網頁開發工程師使用,例如拿來做為網站標題背景重複循環播放,你也可以下載後使用於任何地方,沒有限制。 Life of Vids 採用 CC0 1.0 授權(Creative Commons),網站影片皆放在 Vimeo,除了下載高解析度影片需要登入 Vimeo...
今天阿湯又找到一個線上圖庫叫做 Life of Pix,這網站的照片是由超過 500 位專業攝影師所拍攝的,目前雖然照片量還不算多,不過每一張都是具有高質感、高解析,非常可用,都沒有濫芋填充的作品,如果你有需要用到照片素材的話,不妨來這裡找看看,或許會有意外的收獲哦。
转发微博【转发】@珞珈Carlos:Life of Pix推出了一个免沸的视频站,叫做Life of Vids,同样带着一股浓浓的文艺气。主页颜值巨高,和他们收录的视频质量一样高,也支持一键↓载各种高分辨率素材。我只想说太香了。...
1.Life of Vids- 无版权图片网站 Life of Pix- 2.footage123- 3. Videezy(无pro标志则为免费) : 4. stock footage- ...
Molecular Devices is one of the leading provider of high-performance bioanalytical measurement solutions for life science research, pharmaceutical and biotherapeutic development. Our products enable scientists to improve productivity and efficiency in sc
I was watching some vids at youtub the other day and i found the final boss battle. It must've been the worst final battle ever... i tought "if the last boss is that lame, than how bad can the game be..." Well, im still hoping for Smash Bros or SNES mario kart one of these...
I enjoyed the vids, but then I’m wonky like that. WRX Mar 31st, 2010 well you could always transplant parts from the S T i over to the rascal as a last resort. LOL No comment on the Depends part, that was just TMI Hath Chariot, Hasten Movement, Onwards & Upwards ...
Here’s one of the Trailers: ___end of post One of my favorite oldie pix: Kids with Great grandma and cousin. And me, always the fix-it guy! We truly have the most awesome kids! And now they’re a Teacher, a Nurse, an Optometrist and a Friar, wives and moms, with their own ...
该网站上的所有视频均有加拿大一家叫 LEEROY 的数码创意工作室拍摄并上传。也许由于是工作室的偏好吧,相比起别家的唯美视频,Life of Vids 的视频多了很多较为日常的场景,比如忙碌的码头和工作中的挖掘机什么的,用作空镜之类的应该挺适合。此外工作室还有一个无版权图片网站Life of Pix ...
Life of Vids主要以影音內容為主,大多都是長度不長的短片(30 秒左右),通常這類影片會被設計師或網頁開發工程師使用,例如拿來做為網站標題背景重複循環播放,你也可以下載後使用於任何地方,沒有限制。 Life of Vids 採用CC01.0 授權(Creative Commons),網站影片皆放在Vimeo,除了下載高解析度影片需要登入 Vimeo 帳號...