life is a journey enjoy every moment of it. 生命是珍贵的。生活是美好的。生命是一个旅行享受生命(活)的每一刻。 7. The Bible often compares life to a walk, because life is a journey; we're not sitting still. 圣经常常把人生比做行走。因为人生就如同一段旅程,我们总是在...
and protein kinases have been intensively studied. However, while the focus was on catalytic activities, accumulating evidence suggests that non-catalytic properties of protein kinases are essential, and in some cases even sufficient for their functions. These non-catalytic functions include the scaffoldi... v2.1.4+incompatible/go.mod h1:OXgGpZ6Cli1/URJOF1DMxUHB2q5Ap20/P/eIdh4G0pI= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:Pf5mBqqDxYaXu3hDrrU+w6nw50o/4+TcAqDqk/vUH7g= v0.0.0-20180502004556-fa1af6a1f4f5/go.mod ...
The primary cause of mortality in the USA and in most developed countries is cardiovascular disease (CVD), and it is the primary or secondary cause of death in the largest clinical trials ever conducted for preventing or treating breast cancer. The overa
Lifetimes of 3p..pi.. D/sup 1/Pi/sub u//sup -/ vibrational levels of molecular hydrogen, v' = 3--15, excited by vuv synchrotron radiation, were measured by time-resolved spectroscopy. The observed lifetimes range from 2.3 to 3.0 ns and are almost constant (about 2.6 ns) and independe...
Implantable image sensors have the potential to revolutionize neuroscience. Due to their small form factor requirements; however, conventional filters and optics cannot be implemented. These limitations obstruct high-resolution imaging of large neural de
hfE2q4dj0xsLBh5LRtiKAofqSRKlPjHQR cB99lE6BB0JqC/Qj6MHTpouhlnm2PHDkNQ0ES0wqH5M+JN+3SSxVWKwIvcD7CrHT6GjGVHj3GB3L dw3IsWy8M3SOs3wBJFGk9/plWW2lbnLaHZ2yEcE0+eLnJnkYmnGGKA73YO5jaDXGz/U8YqrZsFW9 3cUndgurVjX5vVIQkSlxVX2I2zwtGT1QUnBYqQRiu3StDPthn594RkuonOugZdFSuBu8Hp2q+6VZ RVP9jV...
+wsKfyi3PMHlPi6VZY4ltcWPeZS+DmLaJ+SxORYTy+bC01JBoFouutbKJXEAfKCrqeoDYwBThZhR q0QKUc/QkRqbnjy97gNwadJH5vCP6g5po5iYeAjQJ1bUn2VIzRpZGKv4JzaCjkb3HWlMSFHUQldp jBENDoKRM0y5Gx4rKRl1d7gFblxtsF7QsfxQsDsi9MWMnOJ1TaMnHzpkTP+/AQOftI9qFhoe3Fm8 o7sy/nk5S0dX4ZdkpMzS0G7+PtOJMQQ+wUmK9...
(1 μM, 2 h), MaP555-BG (2 μM, 2 h), MaP555-DNA (0.5 μM, 30 min) and MaP555-Actin (0.5 μM, 30 min). The composite, the total intensity and the six individual images with the separated structures are given. Representative images of two experiments are...
foundational discoveries continue to be made. PMN trafficking to the lung differs fundamentally from that in other organs. In part due to the technical challenges of imaging and intervening upon PMN trafficking in the lung in vivo, in several cases, mechanisms of PMN trafficking worked out in oth...