大众点说, 专业会可以让你在大学毕业前有个很清晰的方向感, 对将来职业规划更彻底的了解。 这里要提两个很出名的商业专业会, Alpha Kappa Psi(AKΨ), 还有Delta Sigma Pi(ΔΣΠ). 他们就是在学校有时候会穿正装的那些学生。在这两个兄弟会, 你有机会认识到志同道合的朋友。对商科感兴趣的学生很多,但不...
最有名的两个学术荣誉会就是Tau Beta Pi,和Phi Beta Kappa。 可以理解为“学霸聚集地”。 他们只挑GPA高的, 至少3.65以上,而且排名是年级前20%, 并发出邀请。 在入会的过程还有很多挑战,以此证明自己不仅仅只会学术, 还完全具备社交能力。 Service frats, 服务会,co-ed, 男女混合, 注重于社区服务, 领导力...
最有名的两个学术荣誉会就是Tau Beta Pi,和Phi Beta Kappa。可以理解为“学霸聚集地”。他们只挑GPA高的, 至少3.65以上,而且排名是年级前20%, 并发出邀请。在入会的过程还有很多挑战,以此证明自己不仅仅只会学术, 还完全具备社交能力。 Service ...
In a thrilling partnership, Comcast NBCUniversal, Xfinity, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. joined forces to host a special nationwide screening series of Universal Pictures’ highly anticipated film, Wicked. This exclusive event marked a celebration of the sisterhood and enduring legacy of AKA,...
The lifetime of the system; the kappa, the alpha, and the total.EZANIDIS THEODOROS
New member dues Your first year will likely be the most expensive year for you as a Greek life member. New members will often pay more than senior members, and their dues will go towards maintaining housing, supporting the activities that happen in the house, and educational resources, among...
Maya Angelou was an African American poet, author, and civil rights activist that changes the way we view the world. She was inducted into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority as an honorary member so it’s only right that we share our favorite quotes from her. ...
oversaw the renovation of the Tri-Kap house a few years ago who wandered around going “Oh noooooo!” and shaking his head from side to side in wonder at the destruction and disorder. If Kappa Kappa Kappa wasn’t themodel forAnimal House(It was Alpha Delta), well, it should have ...
Zahara—whojoined the school's Alpha Kappa Alpha sororityin 2023—has also accompanied the actress on several trips to Washington, D.C. She was by Angelina's side whenshe gave a tearful speechpromoting the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act in February 2022 and a year later when the...
Nineteen percent reported that a household member had had COVID-19. About one-fourth received help completing the survey. Analyses contrasting these two groups on the demographic variables revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) on body mass index, marital status, ethnicity, race, region,...