发现《Life Itself》 音乐 音乐现场 LIVE 音乐现场 乐队 Glass Animals Vilrot4699 发消息 发发日常本人除【Vilrot直播号】外无其他小号,请理性辨别。这传奇能直接给我玩嗨了~刀刀切割,刀刀暴击,小怪都能爆套裝!兽人永不为奴 热血传奇-0氪打金 接下来播放 自动连播 ...
Glass Animals - "Take a slice" LIVE!from the LB Pavilion in Boston 118 0 09:35 App Glass Animals"Hazey"&"The Other Side of Paradise" from the LB Pavilion in Boston 124 0 09:57 App Glass Animals - "Tangerine" & "Black Mamba" LIVE! from the LB Pavilion in Boston 77 1 07:06...
Likewise, when Glass Animals’ Dave Bayleysaysthe group’s catchy new song “Life Itself” is about a “guy who was born a bit strange, and struggles to become part of society. Because of that, he spends more time alone in his own head, getting stranger, and it becomes an awful cycle...
Glass Animals - Life Itself
Glass Animals《Life Itself (音频版)》MV在线看!Glass Animals 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Life Itself - Glass Animals Written by:Dave Bayley/Glass Animals Daddy was dumb said that I'd be something special Brought me up tough but I was a gentle human Said that he loved each of my two million freckles When I grew up was gonna be a superstar I can't get a job ...
Tove Lo《Life Itself (Glass Animals cover) in the Live Lounge (Live)》MV在线看!Tove Lo 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
LIFE ITSELF has arrived. the first song from our new record How To Be a Human Being, out August 26th, its never met people before, so play nice. Buy it and stream it and watch it and take it on a date now:http://po.st/HTBAHBiTunesYT ...