life is too long i feel so alone i have no reason to go on it was hard to let you go i was scared in your shadow without you by my side empty of love inside life is too long you back to me in this song now you're here now you're here there is your voice i can hear at...
LIFE IS TOO LONG 表演者: w.o.d.流派: 摇滚专辑类型: 专辑发行时间: 2021-03-31 出版者: Sony Music Entertainment 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· 3ピースバンドw.o.d.の約1年半ぶりとなる3rdフルアルバムが完成!デジタルシ...
Life is too long to end at a grave. 墓志铭太长,人生太短。#钢琴 #bgm - Miaya于20230825发布在抖音,已经收获了1.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
#最爱的歌词# Life is too long to end at a grave. 墓志铭太短,此生太长 分享 收藏 点赞评论0 最热评论 评论 该内容来自 光·遇 进入圈子 光遇聊天室 热门前往聊天室 交友唠嗑、复刻预测、互心互火>> 福利中心 绑定奖励 爱心*2 领取 累计签到1天 随机魔法*1 领取 累计签到28天 体型重塑及其它道具 领...
墓志铭太短,此生太长是什么意思?这是一个电视剧,里面有一个主角对着一个人说的,说一个人在一生当中遇到了很多很多很多的事情,困难困惑,困惑困惑或者幸福或者不幸或者一些好事,或者一些坏事,或者一些所以很多很多的事情,墓志铭只有一句某某某在此长眠,所以说要珍惜当下,珍惜每一天的快乐生活 ...
1英语翻译This life too is long,perhaps our acquaintance only is section of interludes…The future future you could not be I.The present pledge only is a childhood joke.Future your bride cannot be Iwehas only then the present now is not?Has remembered…Even if we have only are present.I ...
Life is too long to end at a grave 墓志铭太短,此生太长 一个人的生命太漫长,很难以一段墓志铭作结 Just a drop of water suffices 一滴水就已足够 只是一滴水便足够 (个人感觉又是象征,水或许可以指代为卡莲活下来的世界线,也可以指代为复活卡莲这件对于整个宇宙而言微不足道的小事)Encompassed and...
Life is too long to end at a grave 墓志铭太短,此生太长 Just a drop of water suffices 一滴水就已足够 Still I wish to embrace the world with my thoughts 而我仍希望用思绪包裹住世界 A eulogy 悼词已过 Time to leave where I have stood so long ...
1. Stop spending time with the wrong people. 不要花时间和错误的人相处。 Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll ma…
- Mean as the day is long.- We work our fingers to the bone for that woman.adj. + as the day is long:非常;一贯地,一如既往地The Free Dictionary例句:Ever since she proposed to me, I've been as happy as the day is long.He's as deceitful as the day is one's ...