※This item is also offered in a pack. Refunds will not be offered for duplicate purchase. The award winning Life is Strange series continues with a long-awaited sequel from DONTNOD Entertainment Two brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, 16 and 9, are forced
Life is Strange is an award-winning and critically acclaimed episodic adventure game that allows the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future. Follow the story of Max Caulfield, a photography senior who discovers she can rewind time while saving her best friend Chloe Price...
奇异人生是绝对的神作,它的第一章是免费的,全套价格也不贵,很值得尝试。 2.Life is Strange 2 奇异人生2,与1代模式一样。 3.Locke(d) 虽然画面很简陋,但这是一款字面意义上的“哲学”游戏 #Steam免费游戏直接入库 发布于 2024-03-07 23:30・IP 属地四川 ...
Life is Strange 基本解释 奇异人生 词组短语 1、life is strange ps 生活是奇怪的ps 2、life is strange true colors 生命是奇异的本色 重点词汇 lifen. 生活, 生命, 人生, 世事, 生物, 寿命, 一生, 生命力, 灵魂, 无期徒刑 [医] 生活, 生存, 生命, 寿命 ...
推荐理由:《Life is Strange》拥有出色的剧情,丰富的细节,严密的逻辑,强烈的代入感,让玩家获得沉浸式的体验,接受对理性和感性的双重考验,触及玩家内心最柔软的地方,引发玩家对人生的感悟。现只需13+16元,便可让心灵迎来一次洗礼 来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-02-28 18:28 回复 ...
奇异人生2狼兄弟 这游戏的第二部是关于兄弟俩的故事,从头到尾我除了心疼肖恩,没有更多的感觉了。接下来涉及剧透,不想看的可以略过。官方的结局有四种:分别是 独狼(低道德的Daniel-选择投降) 染成金发的Daniel 在最后的二选一的选项里,肖恩选择向警方投降。但是被培养成低道德的弟弟Daniel不会就范。他会强制把车...
《Life is strange》可能是近年来最成功的原创剧本之一,虽然这是一个线性游戏,但玩家可以通过回溯时间来探索每次对话中所包含的信息,从而达成不同的对话效果,这样游戏的剧情空间在同一时间段内极大的扩充,使玩家可以从多个角度去了解剧中人物的北京故事,从而使整个游戏的世界观变得完善起来。该游戏结局并不多,这也算...
Save money now by ordering the Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) and receive Episodes 1 – 5 automatically upon release.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm features Chloe Price a 16 year-old rebel who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success. When Rachel’s world is turned upside down by a family secret it takes their