Since you are so used to life messing with you, you might feel like it is up to something whenever it shows you kindness. Talk about being paranoid. Just laugh off those worries with this meme. 10. Best 45 seconds of my life. via weneedfun There’s always a short moment when you ...
“A real womanhas curves,is skinny,has muscles, is whatever the hell she wants to be.” 2) “At any given moment you have the power to say: this is not how the story is going to end.”–Christine Mason Miller 3) Life memes and choosing positive people in your life. “At this po...
may rule ourlives, but they shouldn’t rule ourhearts. Sometimes, you just have to take a chance on that suspiciously old tub of sour cream. I mean, it’ssourcream, for goodness sake. Live dangerously, my friends. Life is short. But apparently, not as short as the shelf life of ...
They are now a form of communication. Memes can be GIFs, texts, graphic images, or even short videos, but they are a great way for people to communicate across various social media platforms. They can improve people’s mood. Let’s face it, life is stressful right now, and many people...
Because I don’t expect anything from anyone. Expectations always hurt. Life is short. So love your life. Be happy. & keep smiling. Just live for yourself & before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you pray, forgive. Before you hurt, feel. Be...
Short Memes Quotes Free will and consciousness is an illusion, and the self is a complex of memes. — Susan Blackmore Our task is to create memes... Launch your meme boldly and see if it will replicate. — Terence McKenna You're either with us... or you're with the memes! — Geor...
Is this funny? 2 Short And Tweet Photo: Pinterest 466 votes Is this funny? 3 Rise And Shine Photo: Pinterest 396 votes Is this funny? 4 Horsing Around Photo: Pinterest 415 votes Is this funny? 5 Mega Mind Photo: Pinterest 416 votes Is this funny? 6 A Moment Of Paws Photo: stubborn...
Musings Episode 90: Stand Your Ground, Millennials…is a post from and appeared first onRego’s Life Posted inEpisodic Musings,Uncategorized.TaggedAdvertising,afraid,Consumerism,coping mechanism,coping mechanisms,dank memes,dark humor memes,don't take shit from people,emotions,entrepreneurs,episodic musin...
What Daily Life Is Like For A Baby In The Womb Laura Allan Updated December 24, 2019 512.4K views 14 items Have you ever wondered what it's like in the womb for a developing baby? It's not something you can really remember, but it's where everyone began their lives. While the...
15 College Memes That Perfectly Capture Student Life College life presents a series of challenges that can leave even our high school selves scratching their heads in bewilderment. The transition is nothing short of an obstacle course, filled with days spent in a sleep-deprived frenzy, racing to...