6. “Hope holds you fast like an anchor, so you don’t give way.”― Philip Pullman 7. “Hope is the anchor of our souls. I know of no one who is not in need of hope – young or old, strong or weak, rich or poor.”― James E. Faust 8. “To lose our connection with the...
Life is like a piano, the white keys represent happiness and the black shows sadness, but as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also makes music. New Journey Quotes Once we're thrown off our habitual paths, we think all is lost, but it's only here that the ...
这些语录短小精炼,易于铭记。从英语语言本身,无论用词与修辞都很精美,可谓名言佳句。———One of these days is none of these days.我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。Every life is a boat, the dream is the boat sail.每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的风帆。Not from the muddy trail to move, you do ...
https://joysofjoel.wordpress.com/2019/04/28/life-is-like-an-ice-cream The Mud Pie Mojo stirs some memories when we drop by in an ice cream shop named Coldstone. Yes, it is cold but even with a heart of stone, glancing at their signature creations, suddenly I remember my first lick ...
Adult Pi Patel:[voiceover, beach scene again]After a few hours, a member of my own species found me. He left and returned with a group who carried me away. I wept like a child. Not because I was overwhelmed at having survived, although I was. I was weeping because Richard Parker le...
Sailing quotes make great metaphors for life. Even the popular way of wishing a sailor good luck, “may you have fair winds and following seas” sounds like something we could all want in life. However, the beauty of many of these sailing quotes, and life itself, is that sometimes we ge...
Some days I wish I could go back in life. Not to change anything, but to feel a few things twice. There is one thing sure about life: Life will push us hardly many times! When you are pushed, don't be surprised; stay firm like a plane tree or be elastic like a bamboo! —Mehme...
Life is like the ocean. It can be calm or rough. But in the end it’s always beautiful. 5. A negative mind will never give you a positive life. Share these life lesson quotes on Instagram and inspire others. 6. You know how if you plant seeds it takes time for the fruits of the...
Go With The Flow Quotes “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” “You’re thinking too much, just let it flow.”– E. Paluszak “Going with the flow is soothing but risky.”– Jenny Holze “Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river.”– Lao Tzu...
The interpretation of this quote is that if we fight against our Life-Storms like a rigid and brittle tree, we may successfully resist smaller life-storms, but will snap sharply and unexpectedly when the storm reaches some unpredictable intensity. In contrast, if we are yielding, like the ...