Life is hard Why some people just endure the chronic verbal abusement, Why they are traped to the Stockholm siege. We want to survive, yes, but what we don't want is to scarifice our own needs.It's like we are trained to be gratidude for our survival, we don't feel the open d...
Life Is Hard的创作者 ··· 基兰·塞蒂亚 作者 作者简介 ··· Kieran Setiya is a professor of philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of Midlife: A Philosophical Guide. His writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplemen...
你也许还得在这个过程中学习一些新的技能。 3. 词链儿:Life's hard enough. 生活已经够艰难的了。 活学活用 请用be hard on...随意造句 NEW BOOK 新书发售 我的新书《英语百问百答》发售了: SOURCE 早读出处 绘画课老师的“松弛感”教育。 这不仅是一堂绘画课,更是一堂关于自我接纳的人生课。 REVIEW ...
ARAIn recent performances, you sometimes speak what you call ‘one-line manifestos’. I particularly like your manifesto ‘Art is easy, life is hard’. What does this mean to you? SNKLife is very difficult sometimes, and compared to its challenges, thinking about art comes so easily to me...
“lovehottie” and another asked me to get a “chups pass”. After this review the names of those will likely change quickly to something else. Both apps are full of bogus reviews. And the crazy part is it’s not just the really pretty ones that are trying to scam. It’s the ugly ...
Review: Wildest Dreams by Kristen Proby Jul 3 Posted bycoffeebookslifeblog Wildest Dreams Kristen Proby Wilds of Montana Series, Book 3 Kindle Edition July 18, 2024 by Ampersand Publishing, Inc Ryan Wild thought he had everything he could ever want. A billionaire before thirty, he’s finally...
Book One has always been my favorite and it sets the stage for the entire collected work so beautifully. Yes, the story is beyond far fetched. Yes, none of this could ever happen in real life. However, if you allow yourself to enter into the world created by Garth Ennis and Steve ...
The Jackal’s Mistressby Chris Bohjalian: Excellent, powerful historical fiction. My review ishere. The Tomb of Dragons (The Cemeteries of Amalo #3) by Katherine Addison: Complicated and detailed, this book is an excellent addition to the world ofThe Goblin Emperor, but is definitely not a ...
This hard-boiled reality long ago became an artifice in itself, so that Hemingway now seems wholly contrived. The surprise ending, the O Henry tradition, survives too, but is less frequently seen nowadays. The blurb for How it Ended suggests an affinity with Hemingway and Fitzgerald. But th...
So for me it was hard not to read this particular novel as a conflation/transcription (i.e. this is a book about what happened to me). But one of the themes in the book is WHAT IS THE POINT OF ART and WHAT CAN ART HELP US WITH, WHAT CAN ART DO. I was SO down with these ...