Life is Better Rescue is an all-breed all-species animal rescue. It’s about giving animals and people the chance to connect and form a lifelong loving relationship. This rescue is not just about preventing needless death. It’s about creating a life wor
According to the ASPCA, of the dogs entering shelters, approximately 48% are adopted and 20% are euthanized. Of the cats entering shelters, approximately 50% are adopted and 27% are euthanized. About twice as many animals enter shelters as strays compared to the number that are relinquished by...
Taking inspiration from the legal requirement to form a rescue lane in multiple European countries, Sygic GPS Navigation developers have added a special alert to notify users of potential highway accidents. Recognizing the importance of clear instructions during critical situations, Sygic also offers vis...
The hard truth is, over the years my cursive has devolved from “Dave, you havebeautifulhandwriting” to “Uh, what isthatsupposed to say?” I can’t even read my own writing anymore. To add to this misery my hands shake a little, which means my formerly elegant loops and curls are ...
Level 70 PFDsare intended for calm, inland waters, where fast rescue is likely. These offer paddlers freedom of movement and comfort for continuous wear, similar to the old Type III PFDs. These PFDs are designed so wearers can put themselves in a face-up position, but they may have to ...
Joelle hasn’t needed her rescue inhaler for over a year, has not had any respiratory infections and no longer needs to take daily antihistamines. “I noticed the changes and said to my daughter, ‘Oh my gosh, you just got up the stairs, and you’re not out of breath,’” Shelby...
Surely, most consumers are prone to consider theformer optionas amore reliableone as well as the one that has a better service quality. In reality,this might not necessarilybe the case; however, the fact of in-house and owned monitoring center is agreat ?pro? for many customers,and to a...
: rescue, shame, and the surgical ICU dilemma. J. Am. Coll. Surg. 194, 665–673 (2002). Article PubMed Google Scholar Blumenthal, B. et al. Barriers to palliative care use among surgical patients: perspectives of practicing surgeons across Michigan. Ann. Palliat. Med. 10, 1122–1132 ...
Also, fighting against something negative is never as effective as striving instead to bring about a positive result. For example, instead of hating and “fighting” a disease, it’s better instead to think wellness and health, and do whatever we can to promote these positive qualities. Mother...
It is essential to learn proper CPR techniques, as they can significantly improve a person’s chances of survival during cardiac arrest or drowning incidents. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation involves chest compressions and rescue breaths, and there are different methods based on age groups (adult, child...