Usually, you get a discount for purchasing a whole life insurance policy on an annual, rather than a monthly basis. However, even if you don't, this is still a good question to ask yourself. If coming up with the money to pay the premium annually is a big deal to you, then you ar...
Below, we want to detail 3 primary questions you should be asking your life insurance agent to begin pre-qualifying and deciding if you have found the right life insurance agent for you and your family. 3 Questions To Ask Your Life Insurance Agent 1. Are you independent? An “independent”...
Insurance frequently asked questions How much life insurance do I need? Enough to cover loss of income—consider term life insurance Enough to transfer your assets to your heirs—consider permanent life insurance Enough to cover both loss of income and transfer your assets to your heirs—consider...
Life Insurance Questions What Are the Benefits of Donating Your Life Insurance Policy to Charity? How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do I Need? This is usually the toughest life insurance question to answer since it will be different for each person. The rule of thumb in the life insurance indus...
Cash value is that portion of the money in your life insurance policy you can usebeforeyou pass away. Nobody has to die for you to take advantage of your life insurance policy’sliving benefits! Here are some of the questions people ask about life insurance policy loans: ...
Key man life insurance is used by businesses to provide critical cash in the unfortunate event it loses one of its most valuable employees, executives, or owners to sudden and untimely death.
This may sound vaguely described, but there’s a simple and effective way to do that. Here are 5 questions that you should ask to help you make the right choice. 1. Why Do You Need A Life Insurance? The reason to buy life insurance might seem as simple as securing the financial futur...
CONSIDERING BUYING LIFE INSURANCE? 4 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF How to find and verify a life insurance agent There are many ways to find a potential life insurance agent. To start, you might ask family and friends for recommendations. Your financial planner, estate planning attorney or another ...
Get some answers before replacing life insuranceReports on the replacement of life insurance policies. Think before switching insurance policies; Findings of insurance investigators; Questions to ask your agent before swit...
They even state: “With Erie, it’s easy to get up to $90,000 worth of term life insurance coverage by answering a few medical questions. You’ll get an answer within 15 minutes.” Erie also offers level term insurance. It provides life insurance for the period of time that best suits...