In this thesis we present a framework in which participating life insurance contracts can be valuated and analyzed in a regime-switching market environment. In particular, we let the asset process (modeling the insurer's asset portfolio) evolve according to a geometric Brownian motion whose coefficie...
Mathematics Fair pricing of participating life insurance contracts in a regime -switching market environment THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MILWAUKEE Richard H. Stockbridge ZaglauerKatharinaIn this thesis we present a framework in which participating life insurance contracts can be valuated and analyzed in...
Each December, the Stockbridge Chamber of Commerce recreates the much-beloved Norman Rockwell painting “Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas,” which was wonderful to experience before the pandemic (“Christmas in Stockbridge”). Despite the rain on that trip, everyone was in great spirits. Returnin...
left I was told I had to repay the money I earned for every policy I ever sold even the ones still active. Then they placed me on a vector. They won't return calls or emails. So aI can make payment arrangements to clear the vector and secure other employment in the insurance ...