This is a complete guide on how to recompile the DD-WRT source code to modify default factory settings for your own use. The need for this came up because the dd-wrt router on my client site keeps resetting back to default and the forum provided no clear fix for it. The procedures de...
Kelley Armstrong may be winding up her Rockton series with The Deepest of Secrets (St. Martin’s Press, digital galley) with detective Casey Duncan facing the closure of the off-the-grid community in the Canadian wilderness. Rockton’s not on any map, but it’s a must-stop for people lo...
Not only is a LinkedIn group free to create, it can enable you to offer your professional network a vibrant, useful information resource, all while driving traffic to your site and increasing sales. —Lewis Howes 65 The Grand Slam Offer only becomes valuable once the prospect perceives the in...
One year prior to his assassination, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his powerful antiwar speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” decrying the United States’ genocidal war on the people of Vietnam. King eloquently linked the state-sanctioned oppression of blacks with the suffering...
Dean Martin and Angie Dickinson on the set of RIO BRAVO, 1959 James emphasizes that even when she had a contract with Warner Bros, though, it wasn’t that unique a situation. “There are a lot of people who are getting contracts with Warner Bros at that time,” he points out. “The...
While much attention has been paid to Dr. King’s preaching, his prayer life has sometimes seemed less important to scholars of the Civil Rights Movement. However, a little book I read this week,Lewis V. Baldwin’sNever to Leave Us Alone: The Prayers of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Fortress...
it was time for eve to join a.a., not just for alcoholics, according to her. and the 90s, thanks to that cigar, were an even bigger nightmare. eve was predictably without health insurance. her medical bills ran into the hundreds of thousands. to raise cash, mirandi, laurie, and paul...
The enthesivm of the "VOX Populi" ad has carried over into a series.of seven "Writing in our Time" poeuy readings organized by Tellman. who is on sabbadcal this yeu. The big names an dnwlng houses of I .CQO.'with proceeds going to aid West Coast literary presses. In the ...
Northwest Airlines, some of you might recall, was the launch customer for the 747-400, back in 1989. That spring, they had been using the jet on domestic “proving runs” mainly between Minneapolis and Phoenix. Finally on June 1st, they inaugurated international service. The first departure ...