The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers life insurance benefits for veterans, as it does for active duty military. But VA life insurance policies aren't your only option. In some cases, buying coverage on your own may be your best bet. Life insurance through the VA When you join ...
Military spouses are often in charge of the “home front.” They may be the ones paying the bills, dealing with household tasks and managing family schedules. Your spouse knows the ins and outs of your family expenses and debts and can give you a clear picture of how much life insurance ...
Half of the employees surveyed would recommend working for the company to a friend. The interview and hiring process is reported to be average in its difficulty and straightforward. The company has committed to helping America’s military veterans find work and helping employees find higher-paying ...
If $500,000 in combined life insurance seems like a lot of money, you are right. It is often more than enough coverage for young servicemembers and their spouses with no children or financial obligations. When you start doing the math, though, between income protection for a spouse and the...
Veteran or Active Military Status Military status falls under the category of high-risk occupations. Most insurers charge higher rates to active duty military service members, and some don’t sell them policies at all. Learn more about life insurance for veterans. Your life insurance quotes are ...
Here we have helpful guides, tips and tools for veterans and those currently serving in the military and their families.
Quality of life and the related factors in spouses of veterans with chronic spinal cord injury. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013;11:48. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-11-48. PubMed PMID: 23506336; Pubmed Central PMCID: PMC3607917.Ebrahimzadeh MH, Shojaei BS, Golhasani-Keshtan F, Soltani- ...
While roughly half of military spouses are not actively in the workforce, non-income earning spouses still need life insurance coverage to compensate for the substantial support they provide at home. Military spouses can be covered through Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) with a...
I think the military DEI problem lies solely in the White House. Eliminate the enlisted up or out policy. Stop the automatic promotions to E5 and E6. Put those promotions back in the hands of commanders. HRC can adjust. I read that the policy was instituted to eliminate the possibility of...
Paying tribute to our military spouses at Raymond James Honoring Black History Month in February and beyond 2022: Year in review Women Soaring Conference Honoring those who serve(d) this Veterans Day Q & A with Leslie Shults Get to know Aydee Adames-Polanco, VP, Compliance and AML ...