To quote J.D. Bernal (1959): “There is only one dominant chemical pattern of life. If more than one exists the others must be obscure, as are some of the red algae, and unnecessary to the survival of the dominant”, and “We may define life, for the...
HIS, Wilhelm Jr 1863 1934 Swiss, Swtizerland Anatomist, cardiologist Bundle of His (1893), Werner-His disease (1916) cardiology, anatomy, trench fever MENIÈRE, Prosper 1799 1862 France, French, français physician, ENT Menière's disease (1861) ENT, otology, BPPV, vestibuilar, tinnitus ...
X9elEDk0SMYIIvUAb3qQ9OfhLgDE iYLUriUPvZF+Jak3aD4LQN2a+irORRQAkPd3ma2RsL080ARHvgXiPvSjCkWB1JW9VP+ZUsQDbqMR XP5tMZgCOXitNB2IfemBJIEbxLnAIhuAGcyYgEjTuYZslhw0zXiJR3ubAHWe4PYvDJntkSiAjRUy aHHmn1Dh2Qy9KIF+d0HilxqilkeuqggiDVObklOJx0AR+ipoCoZrIA8qlMQg7EE1XWqNVR40YiSg iNSZQh4...
Life-history traits of eels display a high level of phenotypic plasticity in response to large-scale biogeographical drivers, as well as local conditions encountered during the continental phase. Here, we provided a biogeographical snapshot of the variability of life-history traits of eels (Anguilla...
Ihre Ansichten über bestimmte Produkte und Dienstleistungen bzw. Verstehen Ihres Verhaltens in verschiedenen Situationen, einschließlich persönlicher Meinungen, Wahrnehmungen und Verhaltensweisen; Bild- oder Sprachaufnahmen, die im Laufe der Forschungsstudie gemacht werden; ...
Possible candidates for this mechanism include cysteine proteinases of the falcipain and SERA families, or subtilisins such as SUB1 and SUB2, both located in apical organelles (Fig. 2a). The gametocyte proteome Stage V gametocytes are dimorphic, with a male:female ratio of 1:4. They are ...
(2019). Neue Zukunftswege: Der generationsübergreifende Work-Life-Balance (WLB) Ansatz des japanischen Unternehmens Sourire. In: Schad-Seifert, A., Kottmann, N. (eds) Japan in der Krise. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Download citation .RIS .ENW...
I. Rifins: a second family of clonally variant proteins expressed on the surface of red cells infected with Plasmodium falciparum. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 96, 9333–9338 (1999) Article ADS CAS Google Scholar Cohen, B. A., Mitra, R. D., Hughes, J. D. & Church, G. M. A ... OPEN A cross‑sectional study of Chinese women facial skin status with environmental factors and individual lifestyles Fan Yi1*, Xiao‑xiao Yang1, Ru‑ya Yang1, Meng‑meng Zhao1,Yin‑mao Dong1, Li Li1,Yi‑fan He1, Miao‑...
Multiple published sources from around the world have confirmed an association between an array of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other traumatic events with eating disorders (EDs) and related adverse outcomes, including higher morbidity and mo