Amish: A Secret Life is a new BBC documentary following David and Miriam Lapp of Lancaster County. From the description on the BBC website: An intimate portrait of Amish family life and faith - this film opens up a world usually kept private. Miriam and
其實那個朋友,原本是要到 Lancaster University 念書,而且是念管理碩士的學位,因此在臺灣的某次聚會中就認識他了,也交換了 MSN,之後就常常在網路上聊天 我後來才知道,他大學念的是經濟系,出國之前的工作是在臺灣經濟研究院,對於經濟和投資極有研究….結果現在回臺灣之後又回去臺經院了 XD 常常指點我一些神奇的投資...
Local friends, the Christmas Eve candlelight service at Christ Community Church (Myerstown, PA) is one of the highlights of our church calendar. Our theme this year is“Now in Flesh Appearing”from Hebrews 1:1-3. The service will be held at7:00 p.m.and will feature traditional Christmas c...
Thus, in the context of Paul’s discussion in 1 Corinthians 2, what Paul could possibly have in mind when he said, “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them,” were the “rulers ...
1959 PhD London, LSE Some aspects of the problem of implementing agricultural planning in India Gouri NAG Mr Knox; Mr Lancaster 1959 PhD Edinburgh Early English travellers in India. A study in the travel literature of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods with particular reference to India R C PR...
1959 PhD London, LSE Some aspects of the problem of implementing agricultural planning in India Gouri NAG Mr Knox; Mr Lancaster 1959 PhD Edinburgh Early English travellers in India. A study in the travel literature of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods with particular reference to India R C PR...
MARY BRYAN, born 1724 at Pequea Creek, Lancaster Co Pennsylvania, daughter of Morgan & Martha Strode Bryan, married Thomas Curtis 1738 in the Shenandoah Valley Virginia, died 23 Feb 1742 in the Shenandoah Valley, Orange Co Virginia. 9 MORGAN BRYAN, born 20 May 1729 at Pequea Creek, ...
A few scanty notes from several of the older citizens of the area tell that some of the Deals who moved into Greenville Township at an early date from Lancaster County took over the Brumbaugh mill and ran it for some years. The old stones and some of the machinery were taken to Deal’...
pa**ofnationaleducation system fundedbylocalandcentralgovernments freeofcharge Thegreatmajoritychoose Publicschools(Independentschools)公学、私立学校 belongtoprivatesector opposedtoareligiousschoolandprivatetutorial 安防系统指以搭建安全防范管理平台为目的,利用综合布线技术、通信技术、网络互联技术、多媒体应用技术、安全...