States Created with Highcharts Jersey 1.Massachusetts 2.Connecticut 3.Pennsylvania 4.Florida 5.North Carolina 6.Michigan 7.New York 8.Maryland 9.Texas 10.Indian...
Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) has been used to gain a better understanding of the population’s quality of life. Objectives The authors aimed to estimate age and sex-specific disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) for urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, as well as to investigate the...
继2000年我国进入长寿国家行列之后become a country with one of the highest life expectancies,我国人均预期寿命life expectancy持续提高be on the increase,其中,女性人均预期寿命从2010年的77.37岁提高到2015年的79.43岁,2020年进一步提高到80.88岁。Life expectancy of Chinese people has been continuously increasing ...
The life expectancy among Native Americans in the western United States has dropped below 64 years, close to life expectancies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Haiti. For many Asian Americans, it's around 84 -- on par with life expectancies in Japan and Switzerland. Americans' heal...
Life expectancy at age 45 years, European Region, 1970–2010. Note: CARK = Central Asian Republics; Old EU = members of the European Union before 2004; New EU = members of the European Union after 2004; CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia).Source: Health...
B. five years of loss of life expectancy in men while about four years in women C. five years of loss of life expectancy in both men and women D. Nine years of loss of life expectancy in both men and women 12. Compared with Asian-Americans, middle-income whites have . A. fewer bad...
While life expectancy at birth is 78 years for both sexes in Argentina, in Bolivia it is 68.8 years and Haiti it is less than 65 years. In parallel with the increase in life expectancy, the Latin American population has experimented a relative increase in the prevalence of chronic illnesses ...
Fig. 2: Spatial distribution of life expectancy at birth by city in 363 Latin American cities. The maps show life expectancy at birth for women (left) and men (right) in each city. The ranges (keys) are different for women and men. ...
Life expectancy (LE) is a measure that describes the health status of a population. The few published studies that have examined the impact of hypertension on LE were predominantly performed in Western populations. The effect of hypertension on LE has no
Sex-Differences in the Evolution of Life Expectancy and Health in Older Age 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 237 作者: DJH Deeg 摘要: Since the middle of the 19th century, there have been considerable gains in life expectancy at all ages, especially during the first two decades of the ...