MEXICO City (Mexico)GLOBAL burden of diseaseLIFE expectancyCOVID-19AGE groupsHEALTH services accessibilityQUALITY of lifeDEMOGRAPHIC transitionIntroduction: Life expectancy (LE) and Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) are summary indicators that reflect a population's general ...
墨西哥 Life Expectancy at Birth: Female: Zacatecas的相关指标相关指标 数值 频率 范围 出生时预期寿命:女性:萨卡特卡斯 (年) 77.940 2018 年 1970 - 2018 出生时预期寿命:女性:尤卡坦 (年) 77.610 2018 年 1970 - 2018 出生时预期寿命:女性:韦拉克鲁斯 (年) 77.390 2018 年 1970 - 2018 ...
Objectives In the first decade of the 21st century, the Mexican life expectancy changed from a long trend of increase to stagnation. These changes concur with an increase in deaths by homicides that the country experienced in that decade, and an obesity epidemic that had developed over the last...
We found an 8- and 14-year range in life expectancy among the 363 cities, with the lowest values at 74.4 (95% credible interval (CrI) 73.7 to 74.9) and 63.5 (95% CrI 61.7 to 65.2) and the highest values at 82.7 (95% CrI 81.7 to 83.4) and 77.4 (95% CrI 75.3 to 78.9), in ...
Although about 10% of the Latin American population is indigenous, ethnic differences in disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) and life expectancy with disability (DLE) are unknown. To estimate disability-free life expectancy and disabled life expectanc
In comparison to rural males and females, urban males and females had a longer life expectancy (LE), a longer disability-free life expectancy, and a higher share of life without disability. Conclusion This study illuminates stark urban–rural disparities in LE and DFLE, especially among ...
This study shows that these reforms will find less and less opposition from workers as a consequence of the growth in their life expectancy, as long as it has a greater positive effect on the productivity of the elderly than on the value of leisure. 关键词: retirement labor supply of the ...
In a statement reaching Xinhua in Abuja on Tuesday, the NPC confirmed that the overall life expectancy in the country has dropped by three years. Data by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018 had put the total life expectancy in Nigeria at 55.2 years and a World Life Expectancy rankin...
Prior work has highlighted increases in life expectancy in the USA during the Great Depression. This contradicts the tenet that life expectancy is positively correlated with human welfare, but it coheres with recent literature on mortality and recessions
Whether a healthy lifestyle helps achieve gains in life expectancy (LE) free of major non-communicable diseases and its share of total LE in Chinese adults remains unknown. We considered five low-risk lifestyle factors: never smoking or quitting for reasons other than illness, no excessive alcoh...